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Dumpster Fire 420

A member registered Feb 13, 2023

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(1 edit)

my guy, i beat the entire game with one hand on a controller because the other was occupied with ...  other things.
the only thing you have to do is dodge through the boss -> hit them in the ass till they attack -> roll through them again -> repeat.
or in simpler terms skill issue

not yet

then do it yourself 4head

(3 edits)

hey can someone maybe help me out?

has anybody here redeemed the steam key they get and lives in a country where the game is restrcted?

I want to buy the game but I cant even see it on steam because it is apparently not avaliable in my region.

when you have a pice of paper (or the book) open you have a button to use a template.

it will automatically display the names of the needed satalites for the day with XXXX written where you should put the code.

just replace those Xs with the Hash codes of the needed satalites.

You get the hash codes by going to the needed satalite (the 2 needed satalite names are in the emails) and typing in [sv.hash].

you can use [ (satalite name)] tho set the compass to target the chosen satalite.

(2 edits)

download the video you want to play from youtube (use one of thos downloader sites) and be sure its in mp4.

Then locate the file on your pc, hold shift and press right click on that mp4 and select [copy as path].

You now have the filepath of the mp4 copied and can paste it in the TVs URL (remove the " from before and after the filpath after you paste it in the Adress field)

im just gonna repost my earlier post.

its the same version so it should still work.

Many people struggle to unlock sandbox mode.

I got it after leaving the game running for like 2 days and reached day 32 this way wich unlocked sandbox for me.

here is a link to the save file wich unlocked sandbox for me.

my data.sav file is also in the folder.

(data.sav confirmed to unlock sandbox hooray but it will change your game settings so keep that in mind)

saves are located in 


so just put data.sav and/or my save if needed there.

right click should be the default use key.

for the hook you click for the first attach and then again for the second.

You unlock sandbox by playing story mode for long enough.

I got it when i hit day 32.

(1 edit)

the tv only works with filepaths from videos you have stored on your pc

cant say if they do change (they probably do) but them sometimes beeing wrong even when im pretty sure i wrote them correctly is a bug i also had a few times.

the game is still a demo after all.

but if you are never able to get the report done then thats probably a different kind of issue.

you can only use the command at the specific satalite server you want the code from.

example for yankee you have to go to the yankee satalite and write sv.hash in the console at the satalite.

(1 edit)

when you have a pice of paper (or the book) open you have a button to use a template.

it will automatically display the names of the needed satalites for the day with XXXX written where you should put the code.

just replace those Xs with the Hash codes of the needed satalites.

(1 edit)

yea also tried hex editing the save files but to stupid myself.

anyway i also placed my data.sav there so lets see if that works

(3 edits)

Many people struggle to unlock sandbox mode.

I got it after leaving the game running for like 2 days and reached day 32 this way wich unlocked sandbox for me.

here is a link to the save file wich unlocked sandbox for me.

my data.sav file is also in the folder.

(data.sav confirmed to unlock sandbox hooray but it will change your game settings so keep that in mind)

saves are located in 


so just put data.sav and/or my save if needed there.

(1 edit)

ok i have now unlocked sandbox by leaving the game open for almost two days and now finally have sandbox. I am willing to share the save but have no idea how i would do so.

same i now have lost my progress for the second time because of updates and have aparently still not unlocked sandbox